Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring break is a myth.

I am convinced that Spring Break is a myth, created by some over-worked nursing student years ago, to give themselves something to look forward to each spring.

I've been more busy this week than I have all semester.

Over the weekend I was sick and spent a lot of my time resting, and when I wasn't resting I was running around doing errands, trying to get info on Vannary and the baby, and get ready for the upcoming week. Tuesday through Friday I was at the Hurst Review.

Grant it, the review has [so far] seemed to be very useful and a good use of my time, but it did take up my entire break. Of course, listening to Aunt Marlene crack jokes about Depressed and Manic over there was worth it. Not to mention, [now slap on your most thick southern drawl with this one] "look at my patient, laying here all dead, but he ain't go no infection!" I really did learn a lot about how to think NCLEX-y and got a great review of the core content. I'm glad I dragged my exhausted butt out of bed every day for it.

Today I spent the whole day chasing after little kids at the Children's Museum. I was working in the PowerPlay area, in the Power Science Lab. We had a bunch of stuff on the heart; some games to give the kids an idea of how hard your heart works. I really had a ton of fun. I also climbed the Power Tower with my sister, that while adults can go in, it is definitely best suited for people under 5 feet. For a while there I was convinced they were going to have to cut me out of that thing! [think the climbing tubes at Chuck E. Cheese's, it was very similar] After this, Alyse, Rachel, and I got roped into leading the kids for the dance party. I think I sweated off a full dress size.

Now all I want to do is sleep for the next 10 years.

Too bad I have school work to do. Stupid spring break.


Baroness Babbles said...

Yeah, i hear ya. :X and somehow I managed to GAIN 2 pounds. I bet it was all the food they gave us. Yummm.

Linnea said...

my guess rach, it was all the OG food.