Monday, March 30, 2009

The end is near

Today I took [and passed] the HESI exit exam. I am now one step closer to graduation.

The closer May 8th comes, the more my excitement over being done is melting away into that bitter sweet nostalgia. I begin to think about all the wonderful people I've met that I won't get to see every week.

Since I am staying here in Houston for work, I will get to spend time with those who are also staying. That is if we can all find time every once and a while to have lunch or something together.

So this post is dedicated to all the wonderful people I have the honor of getting to know over the past two years. Over the last two years I have met people who can always make me laugh or brighten my day; people who are great sounding boards full of wonderful advice; people who accept me for all my silly eccentricities; and people who genuinely care for the world. I have been lucky enough to make some of the best friends in the world, without whom I would be lost.

These past few years have been far from easy for me, and thanks to a few of you, I'm still here today, enjoying the sweet sensation of near victory.