Tuesday, January 27, 2009

what else is there?

For the past year and a half, my life has been consumed with nursing school.

My friends are from school, all but a tiny few that I rarely hang out with. All my money goes to school. The majority of my blog posts relate to school. I spend most of my spare time thinking and/or talking about school.

QED, my life is nursing school.

With the end of the race finally in sight, I begin to wonder what else is there?

Aside from finishing school, finding a job, and passing the NCLEX, I've decided a major goal in my life for the next few months should be finding some balance. I need to date more (since I've put a lot of that off with school). I need to reconnect with my non-school friends. I need to build more of a relationship outside of school with my school friends.

However, the top of my "find more balance" list is to start a hobby that has NOTHING to do with nursing, health care, or medicine. I've been thinking a lot lately about how I miss singing in the choir. Maybe I'll join a church choir. Of course, usually you have to wait until the fall to do this. But that is always an option. Maybe I'll start volunteering somewhere. Maybe I'll join a book club. I don't know. I just know I need to find something outside of school to throw some of my focus into.

If I don't find some balance soon, when school ends, my life as I know it will end. [okay that is being a bit dramatic; it will only change, but it will be a big change if nursing school is all I have]

So time to find some balance. I'm open for suggestions if anyone has any.