Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!
Today is Christmas Eve, and as usual, I'm filled with a sense of sadness and mourning. I always get a little sad when Christmas Eve rolls around, because that means tomorrow is Christmas and then it's all over.
How backwards is that? Aren't I supposed to be super excited about opening presents tomorrow? About the big yummy Smörgåsbord? Instead, I always get a tiny bit sad. I love December. I love the cool weather, the Christmas lights, the carols playing on the radio. I love the sales and the decorations. I love baking lots of cookies and pies. I love everything about Christmas. It's just that when Christmas rolls around, it all has to end.
Stop it! That's enough being sad! I am sitting here, with my beautiful kitten and her Christmas collar (sparkly red with bells!), baking Swedish dream cookies, about to make Jesus' birthday cake, listening to old blue eyes crooning out Christmas tunes. It's a wonderful day and I am determined to enjoy it!
God Jul!!!
Posted by Linnea at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
It occurred to me today that this is my last Christmas break from school. In January, I will have my final "first day" of classes.
August 2008 seems like a lifetime ago. I remember feeling so overwhelmed by this huge mountain I was about to climb. I didn't think the end was even in sight, let alone coming! I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I thought nursing school was just some more classes, that I would get into and get it over with. I had no idea just how life altering it all is.
Thinking about my final semester of school, registering for NClEX, applying for jobs, and graduating has me longing for it to all SLOW DOWN. Don't get me wrong; part of me is jumping for joy at the prospects of being done. But the sentimental, afraid of change side is frantically trying to find the breaks.
I am doing my best to keep in mind that the end of nursing school isn't the end, it's just the close of this chapter. Turn the page, and a new one starts. Just because we are saying good bye at graduation doesn't mean it's forever.
I know there are classmates I won't ever see again, and others that I'll only see once in a blue moon. Still, there are those friends that I have come to cherish in my life, and utterly adore having them as part of me. These friends I will work very hard to not loose with the end of school.
For the time being, however, it's just a bit scary not knowing what is coming next. I look ahead at my future, and I have no idea what is going to happen beyond May. I don't know where I'll work, when I'll start, or where I'll live. I suppose I could look at this as a grand opportunity, and tackle it like a new adventure.
Posted by Linnea at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I am ecstatic at the fact that I am done with the "semester from hell"!!!!
I thought I'd better make this little triumphant post now, since I have just poured myself a glass of wine and we all know how dangerous it is to drink and blog.
Made it out with 1 C and 1 B....but considering I wasn't even sure that I was going to pass this semester, I'll take it!!
4 down....1 to go!!!
Posted by Linnea at 10:46 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
With one final over with, I am finding it extremely hard to concentrate on my last final. I feel like I've put in so much effort already, that I have nothing left to give.
I feel like it's the eleventh hour and I have nothing left in me. I just pray that somehow I can manage to find the will power to get some studying done and manage to pass tomorrow.
When did I, Linnea the over-achiever, stop carrying about making As and only caring about just passing???
oh wait. I remember now, nursing school beat that one out of me!
Posted by Linnea at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sankta Lucia
Tomorrow, December 13 is Saint Lucia day! One of the most celebrated holidays in Sweden.
Saint Lucia was a girl from Sicily, martyred for her Christian faith. During a faminine in the middle ages, she appeared in Sweden, bringing food, drink, and the promise that there would be gifts for Christmas. She brought hope and light to a country hurting in a time of darkness, and is celebrated now in a festival of lights. Traditionally, Lucia is "played" by the oldest daughter of the family. On December 13, she rises early and dresses in a white robe with a red sash. On her head she wears a crown of candles, to light the way while keeping her hands free. She carries a tray of cookies or Lucia Buns and coffee to each family memeber.
There are many Sankta Lucia songs sung across the nation, most with similar themes of bringing light in the darkness:
The night treads heavily
around yards and dwellings
In places unreached by sun,
the shadows brood
Into our dark house she comes,
bearing lighted candles
Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia.
Most Swedes know the standard Lucia song by heart.
The Lucia celebrations include ginger snaps and sweet, saffron-flavored buns (lussekatter-Lucia Buns). You eat them with glögg or coffee.
Posted by Linnea at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Everywhere we go!
In case you didn't get the memo, it snowed in Houston yesterday!
That's right, I said SNOW. Now by anyone who lives north of the Mason-Dixon, by their standards it no where near qualified as snow.
but to us down here in Houston, where we have the song "No white Christmases in Houston", it was very much real snow.
I frolicked around yesterday, writing silly messages in the snow on my car, trying to take pictures with my camera phone, and enjoying the weather.
I also finished putting up all my decorations yesterday, dug out the Christmas music, and lit a few candles. I am fully enjoying this weather and fully enjoying the Christmas season!!
Posted by Linnea at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
check all that apply
Show of hands who thought all those "check all that apply" questions on the exam were gay?
If I had written the test, here is what my check all that apply questions would say:
Which beverage(s) goes well with studying for nursing school exams? (check all that apply)
a) vodka-spiked punch
b) irish coffee
c) red bull and vodka
d) white zinfadel
e) fruit punch....with everclear
You are caring for M.H., a 30 year old G1P0 with preeclampsia starts seizing. What is your first action? (check all that apply)
a) curse under your breath as you hit the call bell for assistance
b) frantically try to remember you day in Sim lab with "Noelle"
c) yell out "oh shit, we've got a twitcher in here!"
d) pee yourself just a little
You are doing a teaching session with C.L. who is going home on trebutaline PO and restricted to bed rest for PTL. Which statement(s) indicate further teaching is needed? (check all that apply)
a) "So if I just pop a few of these each morning I should be good for a few weeks"
b) "only take these pills if I feel contractions"
c) "since I am taking these pills, I don't need to call or come back in if my water breaks."
d) "holy shit, I'm what?!? I swear....I'm a virgin!!!"
A 24 year old G4P3 presents to the ED complaining of vaginal bleeding and a "backache" and wants to know if she is having a miscarriage. Which is the best response?
a) "yeah probably, but hey you've got 3 kids at home-that's plenty!"
b) "nope, bleeding is normal throughout pregnancy. we only worry when the liquid coming out is clear."
c) "ask someone else, I'm on my break."
d) "umm...yeah....we' could....umm....the doctor will be right in to speak to you."
Posted by Linnea at 1:25 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I'm not sure how much more of this stuff I can take....
I should be jumping for joy that I only have a week and a half of this semester left. Instead, I feel like crying myself to sleep.
I am so overwhelmed from school. I just....yeah I'm beyond ready for it all to be done.
December 18, come faster please!
Posted by Linnea at 8:44 PM 1 comments
so with finals just around the corner, I am officially studying until further notice.
I hate this semester so much and can not wait for it to end. Unfortunately, there are 3 exams between now and that end. YUCK.
But I can do it. It's going to be a killer week, but I will survive.
In the mean time, if you need to find me, I'll be over here with my text books.....
Posted by Linnea at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
christmas time is here
Christmas time is here!
Happiness and cheer.
Fun for all, that children call
their favorite time of year!
I absolutely adore Christmas! For me, it's not about getting presents. Christmas is wonderful because the weather turns colder, people start giving more, and people start to realize the real reason for the season.
I could listen to Christmas music all day long! And I love the holiday specials on tv.
I need to get a copy of It's a Wonderful Life. That has got to be my favorite holiday movie!
Now if I can only survive the next two weeks of exams, then the holidays this year should be great!
Posted by Linnea at 5:48 PM 0 comments